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Spring Equinox 2013 * March 20, 2013



Spring Equinox Greetings!


The Spring Equinox—a day of perfect balance between the light of day and the dark of night—arrives on Wednesday, March 20th. As the days become longer, the changing angle of the sun  will give you the opportunity to focus your thoughts and prayers on your highest good. It is a law of physics that light is strongest when it bends, which it does at every season change marked by an equinox or solstice.


The Spring Equinox of 2013 is especially powerful as it coincides with a planetary alignment called "The Finger of God." This line-up of lucky Jupiter, karmic Saturn, and profound Pluto will cause a greater flow of information around the planet, and greater efforts by people to wield power over others using information—and misinformation. 


Make sure to research your facts under this influence before making major decisions—or before communicating important matters to others. Also evaluate closely what others are telling you. This is a time to re-read and edit emails before sending them—and make sure your communiqués are going to the intended recipients. 


Chances are great for unintended consequences of communications. Hidden information—accurate and inaccurate—is likely to exert a subtle influence under this celestial alignment. Do your homework yourself. Remember that everything you learn from others is coming through their filter, so take their perspectives into consideration before deciding how to react to information.


Other highlights of the Spring Season include 3 eclipses. All eclipses cause disruptions in the normal flow of the energy of the Sun and Moon to the Earth. Eclipses, therefore, coincide with unusual weather patterns  (rain, winds, tornados) and earthquakes. 


Eclipses also bring changes in consciousness because the flow of light and consciousness from the heavenly spheres is disrupted by the Sun and Moon (and other celestial bodies under their electromagnetic influence) as the eclipse is in progress. 


Chance meetings often occur during the two weeks before and after eclipses. These meetings often change your life in dramatic ways. But the person you encounter under the influence of an eclipse rarely remains in your life more than six months, and in rare circumstances, 19 years, when another eclipse recurs in the same position. 


Eclipses recur in the same position in the heavens every 19 years. Thus, the eclipses of 2013 will stir topics last raised in 1994, and open the opportunity for resolution of previously unresolved issues from that year. 


Areas where the eclipses are most visible will be most affected by these celestial events. The first eclipse is a Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse  on Wednesday, April 25, in Taurus and Scorpio. It will be visible in eastern Europe, Africa, central Asia and Australia. This eclipse will fall near the disciplined and structured planet Saturn, thus intensifying issues of authority, power, and the imposition of rules and organizational structure. People in power, particularly men, will try to exert more power. And people out of power will struggle against the laws or edicts that authority figures try to impose.


The second eclipse is a New Moon Annular Solar Eclipse on Thursday, May 9, in the sign of Taurus the Bull. It will be visible from Australia, Indonesia, and the Pacific Ocean. This eclipse will fall near the action-oriented planet Mars. The celestial alignment will intensify expressions of aggression, particularly by women. Conflicts will tend to be resolved within two weeks of the eclipse.


The third eclipse is a Full Moon Annular Lunar Eclipse on Friday, May 24 (and Saturday, May 25), in Gemini and Sagittarius. It will be visible in North and South America and western Africa. This eclipse will fall into an alignment with the spiritual planet Neptune. A light atmosphere of serendipity and happenstance will prevail. Chance meetings will abound. Great quantities of information will be exchanged. You will encounter new people who will influence your life direction. Be open to new influences but make sure to do your homework before making permanent decisions.


Finally, a spiritual line-up of Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune in the water signs of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, will occur between June 11 and July 19. This celestial influence will provide you a spiritual opening to cultivate a more profound relationship with your soul. Meditate upon why you are here in physical form—from the perspective of your soul. Think about how you would like to express yourself, how you would like to behave, and what you would like to contribute during your earthly incarnation. This is a time to earn much positive karma as you grow closer to your own soul & Spirit!


Love & Light in the Spring Season,





Read on for your Personalized Astrological Predictions


ARIES (March 21 – April 19)

You will have a chance to make a profound change in your life when change-oriented Uranus in Aries aligns with transformational Pluto in Capricorn on May 20. A spiritual planetary influence beginning on June 11 will then enable you to take action from a high state of awareness. Sit quietly and contemplate the action you would ideally like to take. Think about what you would do if your actions were going to be publicized on television, online, or in newspapers. Think also about how you will feel about your actions after several years have passed. With a more enlightened perspective, make your decision with the hope that the outcome will lead to the highest good for the greatest number of people. A series of eclipses on April 25, May 9, and May 24, will change your financial status and bring you news from a distant family member.


TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)

A lunar eclipse in Taurus on April 25 will put you in contact with someone with the strong influence of Scorpio in their astrological chart. This person will help you see a more profound side of your nature so you may develop a more satisfying aspect of your life. Rather than focusing your attention on material goods, this person will make you more aware of your spiritual or psychological nature. The person's insights will help you change your future direction toward one that brings you closer to your soul's nature. A solar eclipse on May 9 will give you the information you need to move to a higher level of awareness. Another eclipse on May 24 will focus your mind on your budget and finances. A spiritual alignment of lucky Jupiter, disciplined Saturn, and dreamy Neptune beginning on June 11 will help you use spiritual tools to solve a practical problem. 


GEMINI (May 21 – June 21)

Eclipses can create upheavals in your environment, so prepare for the eclipses on April 25 and May 9 by getting some extra rest so you will make the best decisions as you bring order to a disorganized situation. You will gain the most useful perspective by cultivating the spiritual side of your nature. A spiritual alignment of lucky Jupiter, disciplined Saturn, and dreamy Neptune after June 11 will fortify your efforts to bring a convoluted situation to clear resolution. Your mission is to be clear about what you can give and what you would like to receive. Establishing clear expectations and boundaries will disentangle and entangled situation. An alignment of Jupiter in Gemini and Saturn in Scorpio on May 19 may cause a temporarily frustrating interlude. But with perseverance and patience, you will find a practical solution that you will enable you to work through the impasse. The methodology you discover will guide you in the future. Another eclipse on May 24 will bring a new person into your life. This individual will make a strong impression that will guide you to a new idea that will inspire you. 


CANCER (June 22 – July 22)

A lunar eclipse on April 25 will enable you to enjoy the company of a special friend. During this interlude you will receive a gift you had not expected. The gift will be of material or spiritual value—or both. A solar eclipse in Taurus on May 9 will enable you to benefit from the assistance of a female companion. And another lunar eclipse on May 24 will enable you to let go of attachment to a material possession that you have become overly attached to. A spiritual planetary alignment of lucky Jupiter, disciplined Saturn, and dreamy Neptune after June 11 will enrich your inner world and open you to an unexplored aspect of your inner creativity.


LEO (July 23 – August 22)

The growing light of the spring season is just what the doctor ordered for your sagging spirits. You enjoy the company of close friends and family. The distractions your close associates and friends are experiencing has kept them away from you more than you would like and has left you feeling more alone than you would like to be. A series of eclipses from April 25 to May 24 will bring new people into your life who will rejuvenate your spirits and introduce you to new ideas and opportunities. A spiritual planetary alignment of lucky Jupiter, disciplined Saturn, and dreamy Neptune beginning on June 11 will give you a chance to step back and evaluate where you have been and where you are going. A sense of orientation and perspective about the choices you face will be important to cultivate in order to make the right decisions.


VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)

The passage of your planetary ruler Mercury, the communications planet, through Aries from April 13 to May 1, will enable you to discover something that has been hidden from you in the past. This new piece of information will not only enlighten you, but will give you the tools to move in a  direction that is more advantageous for your future. This information will help you start a new relationship, a new business, or another financially rewarding enterprise. The passage of loving Venus through the compatible earth sign of Taurus from April 15 to May 9 will attract many supportive people to you. With energetic Mars in compatible Taurus from April 20 to May 31, you will succeed in professional endeavors involving communications, publishing, and teaching. This is a good time to introduce a new concept to friends or business associates. Your ideas will receive a warm welcome if you think about the needs of others before you speak.


LIBRA (September 23 – October 23)

The passage of Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars through Aries in March and April will highlight your relationships with significant others during the spring season. A series of eclipses from April 25 to May 24 will bring into focus the many new people who will be coming into your life during the spring season. A spiritual planetary alignment of lucky Jupiter, disciplined Saturn, and dreamy Neptune beginning on June 11 will give other people a chance to reciprocate all that you have given to them in the past. You may have to take a break from giving so much so will you have time to receive! You also will be nourished by the simple act of remaining still and quiet. A quiet period of solitude and silence will recharge your batteries. Then you will be ready to re-engage with the world later in the summer.


SCORPIO (October 24 – November 21)

A beneficial alignment of lucky Jupiter in Cancer, karmic Saturn in Scorpio, and spiritual Neptune in Pisces from June 11 to July 19 will introduce you to a greater sense of spiritual awareness. The passage of karmic Saturn through Scorpio until 2015 will continue to help you simplify and streamline your daily life so you can focus on those things that are important to you. It's a good time to clean closets and drawers so you may discard that which you no longer need. The Sun, Mars, Mercury, and Venus in Taurus in April and May will bring close relationships to the forefront of your awareness. It will be important to deal with issues that arise in as forthright and direct a manner as possible. A series of eclipses in April and May will bring new people into your life. Try to be open to the novel messages they bring, but do not become attached to the messenger.


SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)

A Full Moon lunar eclipse in Sagittarius on May 24 will awaken issues you last thought about 19 years ago—in 1994. Your high ideals will ultimately prevail if you temporarily incorporate the suggestions of another person. But while doing this, please don't forget your personal center, the future you envision, or the ideals you represent. Simply remain open-minded to the ideas of others so they may influence you. Consequently, you will gain a powerful, new perspective. A spiritual planetary alignment of lucky Jupiter, disciplined Saturn, and dreamy Neptune beginning on June 11 will give you the time to contemplate  a new spiritual discovery. With your new awareness, you will have new principles to guide your life. Lucky Jupiter in your opposing sign of Gemini until June 25 will bring good fortune to you when you consider an opposing point of view. Looking at a situation from another person's perspective is the secret to success in the spring season.


CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19)

You will experiment with a new method of approaching challenges during the spring season with the positive support of the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars in the compatible earth sign of Taurus. The way is open to express your authentic self with the passage of Pluto through Capricorn until 2024. The secret to your success is your free expression of that which you truly feel and believe. Behaving as you think you are "supposed to" behave will only slow you down. Authenticity is the key to your true happiness. The spiritual planetary alignment of lucky Jupiter, disciplined Saturn, and dreamy Neptune beginning on June 11 will give you a chance to step back, breathe deeply, reevaluate progress, and chart your course for the future. A period of meditation and silence will enhance the acuity of your perceptions.


AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)

The positive support of lucky Jupiter in the compatible air sign of Gemini until June 25 will help you clarify your ideas about a complex subject. You may have been thinking one way but new information will enable you to see a new aspect of a situation. A spiritual planetary alignment of lucky Jupiter, disciplined Saturn, and dreamy Neptune beginning on June 11 will enhance your ability to recognize reality from a different perspective from the majority point of view. You are ahead of your time. Continue to explore your perceptions and you will be proven correct. A series of eclipses in April and May will help you to make a change in your home so it becomes a reflection of who you truly are.


PISCES (February 19 – March 20)

A spiritual planetary alignment of Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune in the compatible water signs of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces, will draw many people to you who are magnetized by your spiritual power. You often feel as if you are two fish living in one body, with one aspect of your nature swimming toward the heavens and the other swimming toward earth. The spiritual alignment of the celestial bodies will enhance the spiritual side of your nature and make it easier for you to relate to others who are undergoing similar spiritual experiences. You are prone to feeling alienated from the more materialistic side of earthly life. Many others will be embracing your viewpoint during the spring season as they also become aware of the heavenly, spiritual side of earthly existence.



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